Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Flower Bouquet

My friends and I from church did these for Noele's baby shower.  She adopted a baby girl, which was so fun because we got to decorate with pink and brown.  The cookies were baked the day before since they took awhile to decorate.  The ones with sticks (we used the Wilton Brownie Pop Sticks, Wal-Mart has the same size as well) were made by lightly pressing the stick on the flower and adding dough to cover the stick before baking.  Once they were frosted (we used the lemon cream cheese and chocolate icings) we put the sticks in Oasis or styrofoam that we cut to fit inside the painted flower pots.  Then we covered the Oasis with crushed Oeros.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Flower power

I made this for 2 of my friends for their birthdays.  It took a long time for some crazy reason.  I don't think the cake was frozen enough when I frosted them because the crumbs were out of control.  So to do this I baked a 9x13 cake then used a cleaned out large tomato can to cut 5 circles and a smaller one for the center circle. (If I do this again I will make all circles the same size so the petals fit together better)  I also colored sugar for the accents.