Saturday, January 28, 2017

Tea Party for Aryana!

Tea Party for Aryana!
My dear friend and neighbor, Mona asked me if I would put together a tea party for Aryana's 4th birthday! How could I say no! I love doing this stuff and I have made Aryana's birthday cakes every year so far.
I found this cute tea kettle and decided to use this as our theme. I wanted to make pom-pom flowers instead of use fresh. I really liked the bold colors for this party and they were cheaper than real flowers.
I made a lot of pom-pom flowers. We hung them from the light fixtures and in these arches as you walk in the door. 
These tables were for all the kids.
We added tulle to the chairs to make them not seem so folding chair-ish!=)
I made the banner out of pinwheels I found at Hobby Lobby. I just hot glued them together. For her name I just added paper doilies and the letters (cut out with my cricut) to the pendants.
The first table:
Almond bark covered strawberries, wafer cookies dipped in almond bark and chocolate pretzels. I melted Rolo candy over pretzels in the oven for a few minutes in 150 degrees. I topped them with either pink or white (from a Valentine mix) M&M's or a pecan (to make a turtle.) I drizzled the turtles with blue and yellow chocolate melts.
Meat, crackers, and veggies. 
Kid friendly sandwiches cut out with tea kettle and cup cookie cutters.
Second table:
More treats. My friend bought me these cute heart serving platers for my birthday last year.
This is Mona's cute tea kettle!
This was the table for the adults. There was some amazing food here! 
Rolo pretzels
Wafers dipped in chocolate.
Mini cupcakes: vanilla cake with cream cheese frosting. I painted stripes of yellow, teal, and pink on the inside of a piping bag and added the frosting and piped it on using tip 1M.
Here are the place settings we came up with. Mona found these cute mats that the kids could color and do activities on, that's why we included crayons. She also found the paper plates and plastic tea cups online so we didn't have to do dishes. Smart lady!
Aryana's birthday cupcake and candle.
The take homes. I love the purses!
Tea cup suckers!
She gave these sunglasses to the boys...
And these cute hats to the girls!
Happy Birthday Aryana!

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